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Plans for search engine optimisation

We offer adequate solution plans for different problems in the search engine optimisation. So we offer a basis service plan with the ranking optimisation. The aim of this service is to set the stage for an optimal positioning of a web site in search engines of the own website’s pages. These measures are enforced by the indication of all pages of a web site at Google (Google Sitemap) and the linking to other web sites (catalogue links, catalogue entries, partner links, rival links). For the analysis and deduction of measures the plans Ranking-Tools and Google-Reporting are ideal.

Mit der Veröffentlichung dieses Dokument verlieren alle vorherigen Versionen ihre Gültigkeit. Irrtümer und technische Änderungen vorbehalten.

Web catalogues

Entry in target group specific catalogues
Competitor links Search and purchase of strategic partner links to the advertising spaces of the competitor
Google Reporting Report about web site visitations initiated by Google
Google Sitemap Indexing all pages of a web site in Google
Link-Marketing Search and purchase of strategic partner links on the advertising spaces of competitors
Partner links Search and purchase of partner links at strategic web site partners
Ranking optimisation Optimisation of keyword density, internal link structure and source code
Ranking tools Tools for the optimisation of keywords and deep position check in search engines
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